insider interventions

revolutionizing mental healthcare by going inside

hi, i’m immy…

and I’ve been on the inside of mental illness and trauma:

  • i started feeling depressed and anxious during my first year in university (18 years old), but I wouldn’t receive a diagnosis or support until 24 when I came to terms with my pain.

    I have taken several different medications (SSRIs & SNRIs), used therapy and counselling, and the support of community, family, and friends to recover.

  • during particularly dark periods of my life (after the passing of my grandmother, after being laid off, after being sexually assaulted by my brother), I slipped deeply into suicidal depression.

    I had a plan. I had the means. And I had the will to live.

    The future is untouched. Anything can change. Give yourself time. If you experience suicidal ideation, please contact 9-8-8. Alternatively, you can access resources through Insider Interventions, CMHA, and CAMH, as well as many others.

    You deserve support. We are here to help.

  • at 24, I received an ADHD diagnosis that would explain much of my life and behaviour.

    At 25, an autism screening report would help extend this explanation and provide answers to questions that I didn’t know I had.

    Such as:

    • why does eye contact feel so intense?

    • why can’t I recognize people when they can recognize me?

    • how come I can’t explain how I’m feeling?

    • why do I feel the need to bike/walk for hours to regulate (stimming)

    I am still waiting for a full autism diagnosis, currently $4500+ for adults. Self-diagnosis and “softer diagnoses” are accepted in the autistic community due to these financial barriers.

  • “Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric disorder that may occur in people who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event, series of events or set of circumstances. An individual may experience this as emotionally or physically harmful or life-threatening and may affect mental, physical, social, and/or spiritual well-being. Examples include natural disasters, serious accidents, terrorist acts, war/combat, rape/sexual assault, historical trauma, intimate partner violence and bullying.” (Source)

    “Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD, C-PTSD or cPTSD) is a mental health condition that can develop if you experience chronic (long-term) trauma. It involves stress responses, such as:

    • Anxiety.

    • Having flashbacks or nightmares.

    • Avoiding situations, places and other things related to the traumatic event.

    • Heightened emotional responses, such as impulsivity or aggressiveness.

    • Persistent difficulties in sustaining relationships.

    Examples of chronic trauma include:

    • Long-term child physical or sexual abuse.

    • Long-term domestic violence.

    • Being a victim of human or sex trafficking.

    • War.

    • Frequent community violence.

    While CPTSD is often associated with chronic trauma in childhood, adults who experience chronic trauma can also develop the condition.” (Source)

  • following years of trauma and abuse, my body has learned to store the pain that it feels. Unfortunately, this has led to chronic pain and fibromyalgia at a fairly young age.

    I use:

    • mindfulness,

    • walking meditations,

    • yoga,

    • trauma releasing exercises,

    • dancing and whirling (like Rumi!),

    • and breath work

    to release trauma stored deep in the fascia of my muscles, which cause it to twing in pain.

    When the body senses pain, it tenses the muscles, and we naturally tend to hold our breath. This leads to a lack of oxygen in the body. The body can also quite literally withhold oxygen from parts of itself when it senses pain to detach from that part.

    This is often the case for sexual assault survivors who experience pain in their hips and groin. Often the psoas muscle, connecting the back, hips, and legs (and only muscle to do so), can contract habitually out of stress/fear and lead to back, hip, and leg pain.

    Overtime, these motions repeated can lead to longstanding patterns of muscle tension that lead to chronic pain.

    Fibromyalgia is accepted as a medical condition in Canada. In some countries, it is not recognized as such.

    Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues. Researchers believe that fibromyalgia amplifies painful sensations by affecting the way your brain and spinal cord process painful and nonpainful signals. (Mayo Clinic)

  • violence committed by someone in the victim’s domestic circle. Can be familial, like a sibling or parent, and can also be perpetrated by an intimate partner, sometimes called Intimate Partner Violence (IPV).

  • completed or attempted sexual acts, sexual contact with, or exploitation of a child. This type of abuse often involves the perpetrator using force or making threats.

  • refers to sexual contact or behaviour that occurs with explicit consent of the victim.

  • gender-based violence is violence directed against a person because of that person’s gender or violence that affects persons of a particular gender disproportionately.

and on the inside of mental healthcare and social services

  • University of Guelph
    Bachelor of Science, Neuroscience
    September 2015 to June 2020
    Grade: 4.0

    • Worked as a STARTonTrack Program Facilitator with Student Wellness Services

    • Research project with the Elena Choleris lab on estrogen and oxytocin’s impact on social recognition

    • Writer for the Ontarion, independent student newspaper, for 5 years

  • Healthcare Security Officer
    July 2017 to September 2020

    • Used crisis intervention principles to deescalate individuals in crisis, while ensuring patient and staff safety

  • Police Cadet & Constable
    October 2020 to May 2022

    • 4 day training with Intimate Partner Violence Unit (IPVU) and Child Abuse & Sexual Assault (CASA) Unit

    • 4 day training with Detective Constables in Persons Unit

    • Awarded 5 positive performance file entries for going beyond the call of duty

    • Nominated for the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee by my Staff Sergeant

    • Graphic designer and content creator for the Halton South Asian Support Network

  • Case Manager
    October 2022 to February 2023

    • Provide case management at:
      — Martha House (women and children fleeing from domestic violence)
      — Mary’s Place (Single women experiencing homelessness)

    • Conduct in-person and telephone risk assessment, safety planning, and crisis intervention for VAW clients. Operate a crisis line, providing crisis intervention and emotional support to callers

    • Use French to communicate with and support Francophone clients

    Intensive Case Manager
    February 2023 to June 2023

    • Work with clients experiencing chronic homelessness to secure housing, coordinating and attending appointments with clients

    • Provide ongoing case management supports to ensure housing is maintained. Work collaboratively with various agencies to leverage and coordinate services to meet client needs

    • Work in the office, emergency shelters, encampments, overflow hotels, and in the community

  • Group Facilitator
    November 2022 to June 2023

    • Facilitate youth groups designed for:
      — Eating disorder prevention
      — Anti-bullying education
      — 2SLGBTQIA+ community building
      — Supporting the siblings of autistic children and youth

    Prevention Services Coordinator
    June 2023 to November 2024

    • Maintain a client caseload of 20 children and youth experiencing mental health concerns for group and individual services

    • Completely redeveloped the Eating Disorder Prevention Program, and launched the self-esteem coaching program

    • Through this work, I launched the 1st program for males experiencing body image concerns in Canada. I was later interviewed with my first male client by Milton Today!

    • Completed the McMaster Field Instructor Course and instructed 2 psychology students, and 1 social work student


suicide prevention

$35/session (first 60 minutes are FREE)

our services are currently not covered by insurance. Hence, we are committed to keeping the cost low, in fact, lower than the co-pay for most therapists, with insurance!

Experiencing suicidal ideation? Wanting an end to it all? To finally be at peace?

I get it. I was there, multiple times. And I understand how calling the police or hospitalizing someone experiencing suicidality is not a solution.

That’s why my suicide prevention services focus on “going inside” and finding the tools to overcome suicidality within yourself. Everything you need to overcome this crisis is inside of you, right now.

Let me show you how.

Please note: this service is for those experiencing suicidal ideation. This means that you are thinking about suicide, but have not started to take active steps to complete suicide. Read more about the difference between suicidal ideation and suicidal intent here. For suicide prevention to be successful, intervention needs to occur before suicidal intent develops. That means this service is not appropriate for those taking active steps to complete suicide. If this is the case for you, please reach out to your local emergency services, or 988 (in Canada).

How to Prevent Suicide presentation

book a consultation through the “appointments” page

After obtaining a Bachelors of Science in Neuroscience and Psychology, 8 years of frontline work, and lived experience with suicidal ideation, immy is offering her expertise through a mental health presentation on How to Prevent Suicide. This presentation is currently being pitched to distress centres in the GTA. If you are interested, please book your free consultation through the “appointments” page.


  • The feeling of hopelessness that characterizes suicidal thoughts

  • How to restore hope and overcome suicidal ideation through:

    • Compassion

    • Connection

    • Community

    • Creativity

6-Week Self-Esteem Program

book a consultation through the “appointments” page

immy is currently offering a 6-week self-esteem program, including a presentation and fillable workbook. It is currently scheduled to run at SafeHope Home.

The 6 sessions include:

  • introduction to self-esteem

  • self-compassion

  • transforming shame

  • voice + choice (self-advocacy)

  • breath & body

  • review + celebration

Spoken Word Poetry & Songwriting Workshop

book a consultation through the “appointments” page

immy is currently offering a workshop at a Queen’s University event called “Discussing strategies for combatting abuse within Sikh communities”.

If you are interested in a creative writing workshop that highlights how to use creative storytelling to talk about abuse, please contact me. This workshop can be modified to be culturally relevant, and incorporate spoken word poetry and/or songwriting.

Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault speech

book a consultation through the “appointments” page

immy is currently offering a speech on her story of domestic violence and sexual assault. This speech will be featured at an upcoming Safe Haven event in Georgetown.

want the inside scoop?

i highly value transparency
so, read my diary, i
encourage it!

check out my psycho-educational
YouTube channel

Follow us on Instagram @insiderinterventions