jan 7 2025: the universe has a message…

Do you believe in coincidences? Today, I was walking to a café with my friend and roommate, when we found some papers scattered on the ground. The first page we found was this one, a tattered and dirty page titled “POLICING GIRLS”. I continued to gather the papers that I found every few feet and slowly realized these pages belonged to a book titled “Invisible No More: Police Violence Against Black Women and Women of Colour”. I stopped in my tracks at the relevance to my life and current situation.

We were walking to get coffee because I needed to work on a training that I was developing for a Police Service on PTSD. The police service I used to work for as a police cadet and police constable. The world has a funny way of delivering messages. I thanked the Universe for the guidance it was clearly providing, and the direction it pointed me in. If I was to create ANYTHING for a police service, in terms of training or education, it needed to be informed by the sociological truths of our society, I must not shy away from them.

Since leaving my position as a police constable in May 2020, I have tried to keep my distance from the policing world. I left for a reason after all. However, I find myself drawn back into their world time and time again. Whether it is running into an old coworkers at community events, or providing a victim statement for sexual assault to the female officer and friend that I graduated Ontario Police College with. Life is strange in so many ways.

As much as I try to keep myself away from something, the more strongly I am pushed towards it. Like a calling, that I have yet to hear fully. I’m going to read these pages that I found on the street. This message clearly needed to find it’s way to me. If you open your eyes to the universe around you, you will find that it is speaking to you too in many ways and in many voices…

-immy, age: 27


jan 9 2025: take a break or your body will take one for you…


jan 6 2025: i do love you, mom…